Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Exciting News!!

Well to catch everyone up...Tucker had another infection that kinda caught us off guard on Thursday night...but we caught it really early so he was back to his normal adorable self by Friday night! They were going to try Friday to put him on the CPAP, but because of the infection they decided against it. They were maybe going to try it today but it didn't end up happening, they decided to try weaning his ventilator and he seemed to do pretty well with it. They have decided that tomorrow will be the big day to try taking him off of the ventilator and onto CPAP!!! This has been a long day coming but we are so excited and happy that he's doing well enough to try it. They also took his broviac out on Friday...they think that was part of why he was getting so many infections and he really didn't need it anymore...he's getting all of his nutrition through breast milk that they fortify with calories and such...he's on full feeds and he definitely loves his milk...what can I say my kid's a piggy!!! Thank you all for following along with what is going on with our little man...you've shown us what true friendship is and we are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives!!! I'll post more tomorrow when I can and let you know how it goes...our love to everyone! Thank you again!!!

All our love,
Audra, Danny and Tucker

1 comment:

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

This is such great news and shows the strength that Tucker continues to show to the world. Congratulations on yet another wonderful milestone!

Take care of each other and treasure each moment!
