Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tucker is Coming Home Soon!!!!

So, the doctor came by the other night and told me that they would be weaning Tucker's liter flow to 1 sometime this coming week, and after he's been stable on 1 for 7 days, WE CAN GO HOME!!! She said he would be home before Christmas...and I seriously think those were the last words I heard the rest of the day. Sooo excited...then I realized HOLY CRAP I only have like ten days until he's home....ummmm I really need to get going on his room and getting him stuff!!! Hehehe, nothing like waiting till the last minute!

With all of that said, there are a couple of things I'd like to ask. This is not me trying to be mean, it's just something that needs to be said before he comes home, remember he's still a micro preemie, his immune system and lungs are nowhere near what they should be! Please, if you feel even the slightest bit sick, even if you're not sure please don't come by to see him. What is a cold for us could be completely devastating for him. Little kids can't be around him, especially if they go to pre-school or daycare, they can't tell us when they feel sick, so they could have something without knowing it. Please don't smoke around the house or near him, not only is it bad for his lungs, but we're going to have pure oxygen in the house...we just can't take the chance of something happening. Please, please, please, wash your hands before coming over to play with him, I know babies have to build up their immune systems, but that will have to wait for him, his lungs are still so critical one small thing could send us back to the hospital. Please don't feel like I'm picking on anyone or being rude, if I am I'm sorry...I love you all, but I want to make sure this is the last time we're in the NICU, PICU or whatever.

I love you all...thank you all for all of your support and prayers, we're so excited to get him home!! Without you I know I would have lost my mind a long time ago!!!!

1 comment:

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

Thinking about you and your family, hoping that Tucker is still on track to come home or has already done so.

Happy Holidays this season... I am sure Tucker will make sure of that!
