I've asked a lot of everyone for us...but I have a favor to ask of everyone on behalf of two of my best friends. My best friends Susie and Annette have had major traumatic events happen this past week on top of everything that they've been so devoted to going through with us. The night before Tucker was born, Susie's brother in law Donny, her husband Kenny's brother passed away...I want to ask you to pray for Donny and for Susie and Kenny and Kenny's parents. They have been so wonderful and supportive of us and I couldn't ask for better friends ever, she's like my sister and I love her dearly. She has stood by me through thick and thin and all I can ask is you keep her and her family in your prayers for strength and comfort through this difficult time. I know God is with her, and she knows that as well but I would really appreciate it if everyone would take some time to think of her. Annette who I love just as much as Susie and I consider to be my sister as well also had a major event...her really really close friend Anthony was skate boarding in Santa Monica last weekend and fell and hit the front of his head very hard and sustained a really bad head injury. He was taken to UCLA Medical Center and he's been there in the ICU ever since. He is a wonderful person and so is his father, and I would really appreciate it if you would include Anthony, his father Sam and Annette in your prayers. He is in critical condition and it's been very touch and go since the accident, and I've been praying that God will give him the strength to pull through this. It's going to be a long road for all three of them, and I ask you to please remember them in your prayers...you have all been so wonderful for us, and they are like family to me...I appreciate any thoughts or prayers you can send their way!! We love both Susie and Annette, like I said they are wonderful, wonderful friends, their devotion to our family and the love they've showed me through the years is amazing...I couldn't ask for better friends...they are always there when I need someone to lean on. Please help them with your prayers...it would mean a lot from our family to theirs. Thank you guys so much...we're so grateful everyone has been so wonderful with their thoughts, prayers and support we appreciate it more than we can say or you'll ever know! We love you all...thank you again, With your support we will all make it through these difficult times!!
All our love,
Audra, Danny and Tucker
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