So I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! And, to give everyone an update. Tucker came home on the 18th...and he's doing amazing!! We are so blessed to have our Christmas wish come true...our baby came home for Christmas!! Thank you to everyone who has been following our story and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers...we are so appreciative of all of your support...this wouldn't have happened without you!!! We are one of the lucky families, our baby came home and with all luck won't have to spend anymore time in the hospital, and I can't tell you how wonderful it is for him to be home. My heart still goes out to the families whose babies are still in the NICU, and I pray they will be home soon!
I was sitting tonight rocking Tucker to sleep (well attempting to at least, he didn't go to sleep until maybe an hour ago) and for no reason at all it all the sudden hit me that my baby was FINALLY home. He was throwing a fit, and I sat him on my knees facing me, and as soon as I did that he gave me the biggest smile, and it just melted my heart. I have never felt as much love as I did at that point. He's smiled at me before, but for whatever reason tonight it struck me to my core, and I just started crying. It finally all came out, the thoughts of how lucky I am, my baby is here, he's alive...the baby the doctors all said wouldn't make it, is HOME. He is my miracle...a true gift from God, and I started to wonder, what could I have possibly done in my life to deserve such a wonderful, beautiful gift? And then all the emotions of the NICU came flooding back, and all of the different stages of our stay came flooding back as well. Remembering him laying so tiny in that isolete, hooked up to so many different machines, with IVs and PIAs and all sorts of other things coming out of him. I lost it, I couldn't help it...all of the old fears came back, remembering all the nights I prayed my baby would make it through the night, and how terrified I was all the time I would get THE CALL. And as I sat there crying my eyes out, Tucker stared back at me, smiling and laughing, as if to say it's ok Mommy, I'm here! And I realized in that instant how lucky I blessed my has been and will be with this amazing little boy in it. Yes, we still have setbacks, he's still on oxygen and we're still not sure what is going on with his head size and if he does in fact have cerebral palsy, but my baby is ALIVE...and to me, that is the greatest gift I could ever imagine. All of the tears, the sleepless nights, terrifying moments and prayers have led us to this moment...him being at home, with us, where he belongs! I have never in my life felt as proud as I have these past few weeks, especially the day we brought him home...the day some people said would never come, showing all of the specialists just how wrong they were. I heard a thousand times, babies like Tucker don't live...they just don't, and yet, here he is, thanks to a wonderful and loving God!
I pray that everyone finds peace and joy this holiday season...thank you all for your support and prayers! We are very blessed to have you in our lives!!