So tonight at the hospital, the doctor came by and told me I needed to find a pediatrician, and that I needed to put Tucker's room together because it won't be too much longer until he was home!! She said next week we'll wean him to 2 liters of flow, and if he tolerates that he'll be weaned to 1 liter, and as soon as he's been stable on 1 liter for one to two weeks he'll be able to come home!! We're so close...I was so excited to hear that, his nurses have thought he might be coming home soon, but we haven't had a doctor tell us that!!!! Thank you to everyone who has been thinking of us and praying for us....I was so happy to hear it I started crying...I just didn't know when I'd finally hear those words! I will be posting more when I know more, but so far he's doing great!!! We're super excited, hopefully he'll be our present under our Christmas tree!!!